Research and publications

“Understanding Justice: Exploring the Narratives and Perceptions of Justice of Armenia”.
Financial support – Friedrich Ebert Stiftung- Armenia
Duration- September – December 2018
The project was aimed at 1) revealing perceptions of justice on the societal level, including within different groups in Armenia and 2) examining the existing narratives around what is “just” and “unjust” on the level of personal interactions, as well as on the level of policy and governance.
Based on the findings, a set of recommendations regarding the steps for “restorations of justice” in transitional phase of governance in Armenia (post-"Velvet” Revolution of 2018) was presented to the relevant stakeholders.
Access the FULL REPORT (in Armenian).
Access the EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (in English).

​“Rights Response to Poverty”.
Financial support – Friedrich Ebert Stiftung- Armenia
Duration- July – December 2019
The aim of the project was to create an evidence- basis for the formation of rights-based poverty reduction and social policy in Armenia.
Throughout the project, HRRC provided expertise to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of Armenia on the incorporation of the human rights-based approach (HRBA) into its sectoral policies and strategies in the field of social protection and poverty reduction.
As the project output our research team developed the following products․
Storybook “What Are the Benefits of State Benefits”? .
Package of Recommendations on draft strategies and proposed legislative changes presented by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs concerning the changes in the field of social protection and poverty reduction.
Toolkit on Rights-Based Poverty Assessment (for internal use only).
Policy paper "Human Rights-Based Approach to Poverty Reduction: The Essence of the Approach and Justification of its Adoption within Armenia’s State Poverty Reduction Policy".

"Women Talking in Times of Public Pressure".
Financial support- Women’s Fund Armenia
Duration - December 2019-April 2020
This is a research project with an aim to present the personal experiences of women involved in protection of human rights and activism in Armenia in the context of growing societal pressure and anti-gender tendencies. The specific focus is on those who work for the advancement of the agenda of women’s liberation, protection of the rights of women, fight against gender-based violence and discrimination.
Access the FULL RESEARCH (in Armenian, with an executive summary in English).

"Ensuring Constitutional Guarantees of Human Rights on the Agenda of Constitutional Reforms".
Financial support- Eurasia Partnership Foundation
Duration - August 2020-March 2021
The final research output of this research and advocacy project is the “Review and Improvement of Human Rights and Freedom Guarantees Enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia” study.
The aim of the project was to push for strengthening constitutional guarantees of human rights in the scope of process of Constitutional reforms initiated since February 2020 (by the decree of the Prime Minister of RA).
The “Review and Improvement of Human Rights and Freedom Guarantees Enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia” study is a unique professional legal analysis, where the legal-constitutional guarantees for the protection of human rights and freedoms have been thoroughly studied, and research-based proposals on making respective amendments in the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia have been presented.
Access the FULL RESEARCH (in Armenian)
Access the EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (in English)

"Working Conditions and Occupational Safety in the Mining Sector of Armenia".
Cooperation-based research with the Center for Responsible Mining of the American University of Armenia (AUA)
Duration – April, 2021
HRRC was outreached and invited by AUA to join multi-stakeholder mining policy dialog process, which included government, national assembly, local governments, mining businesses, and civil society.
In the scope of the policy, HRRC prepared a discussion paper on Working Conditions and Occupational Safety in the Mining Sector of Armenia.
On 16-17 April, the HRRC team took part in the multi-stakeholder round table, presenting the key findings of the policy review and coming up with policy recommendations for the consideration of key stakeholders, particularly, the Labour Inspectorate and Labour Unions.

"Gender-based violence against women deprived of liberty: Exploration of the issue in the Armenian context”
Financial support- European Union, Coalition to Stop Violence Against Women
Commissioned by - Women's Resource Center - Armenia
Duration - May 2021- June 2022
This is a unique, mixed methods research aimed at providing qualitative data on the situation around gender-based violence against girls and women deprived of liberty in the context of corrections and mental health sectors in Armenia.
The issue of gender-based violence in places of deprivation of liberty has never been in addressed in Armenian context. This is the first comprehensive study, conducted by the Human Rights Research Center and aimed at bringing the issue to the attention of decision-makers and the local expert community.
The research was commissioned by the Women's Resource Center, another non-governmental organization, as a part of the "Women rights defenders stepping up against gender-based violence in Armenia" project (2020-2022). The project is carried out by the Coalition to Stop Violence Against Women with the financial support of the European Union.
Access the FULL RESEARCH (in Armenian)
Access the EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (in English)

"The Situation of Human Rights in Armenia: 2020-2021"
Financial support- Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Armenia
Issue date - October, 2022
The report "The situation of human rights in Armenia: 2020-2021" covers freedom of speech, protection of human rights defenders, and gender issues, including women's rights and LGBT issues.
The report is a unique domestic publication that consolidates several aspects of human rights protection, providing a concise overview of the developments in the selected areas.
The report is a source for providing awareness on the human rights situation in Armenia for multiple stakeholders, incl. media, human rights organizations and practitioners, government agencies, academic institutions, etc.
Access the REPORT (in Armenian)

“Research and Advocacy for Women’s Labor Rights and Economic Empowerment in Armenia”.
Financial support – UN Women (Georgia)
Cooperation-based research project with the Caucasus Research and Resource Center (CRRC -Armenia) and UN Women international expert Marjan Petreski.
Duration – September 2020 – October 2022
The research project is focused on the development of Regulatory Impact Assessments (RIAs) of the ILO Convention #183 (Maternity Protection), ILO Convention #156 (Workers with Family Responsibilities) and ILO Convention #189 (Domestic Workers) for the consideration of the Government of Armenia, and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in particular.
Upon the completion of the project, research consortium will present intervention scenarios and policy options necessary for Armenia to align with each of the targeted ILO Conventions #183, #156, and #189 along with a detailed plan for regulatory impact assessment.
Access the following research outputs of the project in English:
Academic Paper: Regulatory Impact Assessment of ILO C183- Maternity Protection Convention

​“Protection of pregnant and breastfeeding women from harmful and hazardous work in Armenia”.
Financial support – UN Women (Georgia)
Duration – May 2021 – October 2022
This is a research task carried out by HRRC based on the needs of UN Women for long-term advocacy around improvement of Armenia’s system on occupational health and security for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Upon the completion of the project, HRRC will present a Technical Publication based on standards deriving from ILO Convention #183 (Maternity Protection), ILO Convention #155 (Occupational Safety and Health) and EU 92/85/EEC Directive.
The Technical Publication will provide for an overview of the existing in Armenia system of protection of occupational health and safety is reviewed on the basis of ILO C 155 and C 183. It will further offer a Recommendation package on better enforcement of existing procedures for risk-based assessment of working conditions for pregnant and breastfeeding women in Armenia and its approximation with the requirements of ILO C183 and EU 92/85/EEC Directive.
See in English the Issue Paper: Gaps in the Republic of Armenia's Current System Ensuring Healthy and Safe Working Conditions for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women

"The realization of the right to adequate housing by citizens left homeless as a result of the earthquake in Armenia in 1988"
Financial support- European Endowment for Democracy (EED)
Issue date - November, 2023
The report addresses shortcomings in the protection of the right to adequate housing of the citizens who became homeless as a result of the 1988 earthquake in Armenia , which contradicts to the commitments undertaken by Armenia under the UN Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The report particularly focuses on the Shirak region of Armenia. The report focuses on the state commitments under Articles 2 and 11.1 of the Covenant, and was presented for the consideration by the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the scope of the 4th Periodic Review of Armenia's Obligations under the Covenant (the 74th Session of the Committee, October 3 and 4, 2023).
Access the REPORT (in Armenian)
Access the SUMMARY (in English)