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Proposals on the Law on Comprehensive Health Insurance

HRRC and a number of other NGO’s have submitted joint preliminary proposals and observations on the RA “Law on Comprehensive Health Insurance” and to the daft laws incorporating changes and additions in related legislative acts.

Positively assessing the commitment of the Government to introduce Comprehensive Health Insurance (CHI), HRRC considers rights-based approach as ever important in this process of CHI introduction in Armenia.

The mechanisms to be introduced and the policy development in this direction shall be formulated and assessed in line with the criteria contained in Article 12.1 of International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and four interconnected elements therein, namely availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality.

The adoption of these criteria directly derives from the obligation of the state to ensure the “right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health”.

At the same time, during the introduction of the CHI the principle of social justice must be upheld.

Based on international best practice, the institution in charge of the reform, shall consider in this context, the mechanisms of participation of employers in this scheme, in order to guarantee that the burden of introduction of CHI does not take disproportional toll on citizens.

A group of organisations that submitted proposals is concerned with the inclusion of a provision in the draft law according to which a person who has not paid the insurance fee will be subject to administrative punishment. This provision is considered as disproportionate coercive measure.

The discussions on the package of the drafts in the Unified Website for Publication of Legal Acts’ Drafts ( were held until 13 May.

HRRC will continue to monitor the process of introduction of CHI in Armenia.

Proposals were submitted by following organisations:

Democratic Development Foundation

Center for Law Development

Women’s Resource Center

Henaran Foundation

Real World, Real people

Helsinki Citizens' Assembly-Vanadzor.

Human Rights Research Center

Armavir Development Center


Nor Serund



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