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Third Cycle of The Evening School on Legal Research and Human Rights Protection Mechanisms is launched

The Human Rights Research Center (HRRC), in cooperation with the French University in Armenia (UFAR) and with the support of the European Endowment for Democracy (EED), launched the Third Cycle of the Evening School on "Legal Studies and Human Rights Protection Mechanisms".

On May 29, the opening ceremony of the school took place. Anahit Simonyan, Director of HRRC, Salwa Nacouzi, Rector of UFAR, and UFAR Chair of Law Garine Hovsepian, welcomed those present at the opening and wished them success.

Anahit Simonyan, emphasized in her speech that the Evening School creates an environment that develops a research-oriented mindset and encourages the scientific study of human rights issues. "The main aspiration of HRRC’s Evening School initiative was to bring the issues of human rights protection into the academic environment. In this regard, we value the cooperation with academic institutions that share the vision and values ​​of the Evening School and we are very happy that the third round of the Evening School will take place at the UFAR," - she said.

Salwa Nacouzi emphasized the importance of being prepared for the challenges related to the protection of human rights nowadays. "The goal of this Evening School, jointly carried out by the HRRC and the UFAR, is to raise awareness among students and young professionals about international standards of human rights protection and to develop the necessary skills to conduct meaningful research in this field. Together, we seek to educate a new generation of knowledgeable leaders who can defend the fundamental values ​​of humanity and build a future where the rights of all are respected and protected, "- she mentioned in her greeting speech.

Garine Hovsepian expressed hope that the cooperation between UFAR and HRRC will continue and develop, taking into account the goals of both to strengthen the skills of lawyers to carry out research work.

The Evening School will last from May 29 - June 21.

The goal of the Evening School, jointly organized by HRRC and UFAR, is to raise awareness among students and young professionals about international human rights norms and develop skills for conducting quality research in the field of human rights.

Evening School covers the following key thematic areas:

  • Research and evidence-based human rights protection.

  • International and regional human rights mechanisms.

  • Understanding the application of human rights protection in various contexts.

The Lecturers of the Evening School are distinguished local and international human rights experts, researchers, and lawyers. Participants of the Evening School come from different academic and professional backgrounds, including law, sociology, journalism, economics, health care, education, etc.

The Evening School is an ongoing initiative of HRRC, which is being implemented in cooperation with our academic partners. The First and the Second Circles of the Evening School were carried out in cooperation with the American University of Armenia (AUA) and the European University of Armenia (EUA).

Learn more about the Evening School initiative here.



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