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Developing gender-responsive policies: capacity building for Parliamentary Experts

Anahit Simonyan, Director of HRRC, in the framework of the capacity building session with the Parliamentary experts, addressed the theory and practice of conduction of gender-sensitive and intersectional research and the development of gender-responsive state policies.

The three-day capacity building meeting of National Assembly experts in Dilijan (June 2-4) was organized by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in cooperation with the Raoul Wallenberg Institute for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (RWI).

At the meeting, Morten Koch Andersen, Deputy Director of RWI's research department, and Anahit Simonyan, Director of the HRRC, conducted expert workshops.

At the workshop conducted by Anahit Simonyan, the NA experts were introducted with the key concept and tools for developing gender-responsive policies, including gender-sensitive monitoring and data collection, and presented HRRC's research and advocacy practice.

The meeting was an important opportunity to get acquainted with the experts involved in the work of the National Assembly and to discuss with them the problems and challenges of developing gender-sensitive sectoral policies in Armenia.
Promoting the development of rights-based and gender-sensitive policies in Armenia is the priority of HRRC activities. In this regard, we attach great importance to building knowledge and capacities in the Executive and Legislative bodies and are always open to the exchange of experience and cooperation.

HRRC is grateful to the United Nations Development Program and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law for the invitation.



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